
With, we monitor every property, every day allowing users to compare properties with other similar properties to see if they are good value, and see any price changes the owner has made since the property went on the market. With HouserLOOP for banks and real-estate agents, we generate professional reports with an accurate, objective valuation using an algorithm developed by LISER, a government-backed research institute. We can evaluate individual properties to help banks streamline the loan creation process and give quicker responses to their customers, and we also evaluate entire portfolios, allowing banks to evaluate and mitigate the risks from their real-estate portfolios.

Luxinnovation spoke with the founders of Houser, a start-up of the very first Fit 4 Start edition in 2015:

What was you start-up’s biggest achievement?

We successfully ran a Proof-of-Concept of the HouserLOOP platform with a leading retail bank in Luxembourg. Six retail branches trialled the software over a 4-month period with positive feedback. The HouserLOOP valuation algorithm was compared to the bank’s real-estate experts’ reports with very positive results regarding accuracy and suitability.

Name 3 things you learned during Fit 4 Start?

  • How to apply the Lean Canvas methodology to our business and allow us to pivot from B2C to B2B
  • How to leverage lean marketing to use a small marketing budget to have a big impact, and how to monitor a campaign’s success
  • The importance of funding and cashflow to your company’s success

Looking back, how did Fit 4 Start help you to get your start-up to where it is today?

Fit4Start allowed us to step back from our day-to-day development work and focus on the company strategy and identify concrete steps to get to where we wanted to go. By focusing on challenging your assumptions early, and speaking to potential customers, Fit4Start helped us to get into markets that we had previously considered as ‘too hard’.

What are the upcoming challenges for your start-up?

To onboard banks onto the HouserLOOP platform. To expand the user-base of and leverage and monetise the technology we’ve already developed.

Tips and tricks of an entrepreneur:

“Raise money even when you might think you’re well-funded, rather than waiting until you absolutely need to, as it then becomes much harder”


Name: Heico SARL (AKA Houser)

CEO: Kevin Colgan (stand-in, pending company sale)

Founding date: April 2014

Registered office: 145 Rue Cents, L1419, Luxembourg

Contact email:


Social Media: Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn

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20 start-up sélectionnées pour le programme Fit 4 Start #14


En marge des Luxembourg Venture Days, l’événement-phare de l’écosystème organisé du 17 au 19 octobre par Luxinnovation et ses partenaires, le nom des 20 start-up qui participeront, début 2024, à la 14e édition du programme d’accélération Fit 4 Start a été officiellement dévoilée.
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Demander un financement de l’EIC Accelerator: comment réussir


L'EIC Accelerator est l'un des instruments de financement les plus prestigieux et attractifs, mais aussi l'un des plus compétitifs, d'Horizon Europe pour les start-ups individuelles et les petites entreprises développant des innovations révolutionnaires. Trois anciens participants à Fit 4 Start qui ont reçu un financement ont partagé leurs meilleurs conseils sur les choses à faire et à ne pas faire lors de l'événement Fit 4 Start Alumni qui s'est tenu le 25 mai 2023.
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